Holidays - Yammim Tovim and Festivals
Yammim Noraim: High Holy Days
- S’lichot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah
Yammim Tovim and Festivals: CBST observes the holidays of the Jewish ritual calendar:
- Chanukah
- Tu BiSh’vat
- Purim
- Passover
- Shavuot
- June is PRIDE Month! With Shabbat services, guest speakers, special programs for adult and for families with children, we are Joyful! Spiritual! Proud!
- Tisha B’Av
Our regularly scheduled evening and morning Shabbat services reflect the diversity of the Jewish religious observance at CBST, a pluralistic resource in New York City’s Jewish life. All CBST services are open to everyone, always free of charge. Question? Contact us at 212-929-9498 or info@cbst.org
- Service times and locations are posted the homepage of our website and noted in the weekly eNews.
- Consider sharing moments of joy or memory with the community by sponsoring Shabbat Livestreaming/zoom.
Shabbat Evening Services / Kabbalat Shabbat Services
The core of CBST’s religious life is our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service, combining traditional liturgy with progressive values, politics, spirituality, reflection, and magnificent music. Services are led by our rabbis, music director, cantorial intern, cantorial student, and lay ba’alei tefillah (service leaders). Scheduled every Friday evening throughout the year at 6:30pm, services are held at 130 West 30th Street in New York, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues.
Shabbat Morning Services / Liberal Format Services
Second and Fourth Saturday of the Month, 10 am
In this service, we daven in a consciously modern context with a discussion of the weekly Torah reading and a Kiddush lunch. This minyan uses the Reconstructionist movement’s siddur Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, reads Torah on the triennial cycle, and reads the traditional Haftarah reading. Services are led by our rabbis, Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Interns, and lay leaders.
Shabbat Morning Services / Traditional Egalitarian Format Services
Third Saturday of the Month, 10 am
In this service, we daven a liturgically inclusive Shabbat morning service in a more traditional yet completely egalitarian context. This service includes a full Torah reading, Haftarah reading, and Musaf. Using the Conservative movement’s Siddur Lev Shalem, this service is led by our lay leaders and rabbis.
Shabbat Morning for Children
During the school year, CBST’s Limmud B’Shabbat Hebrew School and Children’s Alef Bet Shabbat services are held concurrently with the Liberal Format Shabbat Morning Service. Children 0-5 attend Alef-Bet Shabbat with their grownups, while children in grades K-7 attend their own services and classes in Hebrew and Jewish learning. CBST’s Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Yael Werber, directs these programs. Learn more about Children’s Education Programs!
Torah and Haftarah Reading at CBST
CBST is proud that all Torah and Haftarah readings for Shabbat, festivals, and High Holy Days is done by lay members of our community. We provide our readers with access to an easy online sign-up system, guidance and support in preparation, and images from our Torah. If you are interested in learning more about our leyning program or would like to be put on the email list, click here.
In addition to special Shabbatot, we celebrate and observe:
Kristallnacht German-Austrian Synagogue Music Shabbat
Transgender Day of Remembrance Shabbat
World AIDS Day Shabbat
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Shabbat
Shabbat Shirah
Transgender Day of Visibility Shabbat
Yom Hashoah
Yom HaAtsmaut
Harvey Milk Shabbat
Pride Shabbat and more!