Tisha B'Av

Join us in-person at CBST, 130 West 30th Street, or via Zoom for Tisha B’Av Services.

Al naharot Bavel sham yashavnu gam bachinu b’zochreinu et Tsion.
“By the waters of Babylon where we sat down, and there we wept as we remembered Zion.”
Psalm 137

Tisha B’Av commemorates the destruction of the Temple and other tragedies in Jewish history. In CBST’s Erev Tisha B’Av special contemplative candlelit service, we remember, we mourn, and we turn our sackcloth and ashes into hope as we join in the tradition that this day is also the birthday of the messiah.

Tisha B’Av Ma’ariv and Eichah Reading

Monday, August 12 I 9 Av, 8:30pm I In-Person & Zoom »
We open Tisha B’Av with the traditional reading of Eichah in a candle-lit service, commemorating the destruction of the Temple and other tragedies in Jewish history and in our day. Be with us in the Wine Family Sanctuary as we chant and read the Book of Lamentations. If you are on Zoom, you may choose to darken your space and sit on the floor, or as near to the floor as you are able, to make your space resemble a house of mourning.
Service Leaders: Rabbi Jason Klein and Rabbi Marisa James 
Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen and Larry Kay 

Tisha B’Av Minchah-Ma’ariv Study Session and Service

Tuesday, August 13 I 9 Av, 6:30pm I In-Person & Zoom »
We reflect on the themes of the day with a Minchah service and Torah reading, a special study session, and Ma’ariv service to conclude our 25-hour Tisha B’Av observance, followed by a break-fast.
Service Leaders: Rabbi Marisa James and David Feinberg
D’var Torah: Rabbi Jason Klein
Ba’al Tefillah: Larry Kay

Tisha B’av Teaching

“As we embark upon the fast day, I invite us to contemplate how the breakdown of conscience led our people to our low points and our deep grief. I pray that this brokenheartedness unsettles us…” Read  the full teaching from Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern, Adam Graubart.

Further Reading

Allyship and Rebuilding the Temple
by Rabbi Mike Moskowitz

“In this month when we mourn the destruction of the Temple, we recall King David’s description of Jerusalem, in its glory, as כְּ֝עִ֗יר שֶׁחֻבְּרָה־לָּ֥הּ יַחְדָּֽו – a city that is tightly knit together.” Read more…

Further text from last year (2023):

These afternoon and evening services for the close of the Tish’a B’Av fast are the only ones organized by the Traditional Egalitarian Committee in July. It is customary to lay tefillin for the mincha service, because that is not done for the 9 Av morning service. Bring tefillin if you own a set. At the end of Ma’ariv, weather permitting, we go outside to read “Kiddush L’vanah,” or sanctification of the moon.

Tisha B’Av is preceded by a three-week mourning period beginning on the 17th of the month of Tammuz, the day when, according to the rabbis, the walls of Jerusalem were breached. This three week period began Thursday, July 6 on the English calendar. Traditionally this is observed as a somber time, when major celebrations do not occur. A period of more intense mourning begins with the beginning of the month of Av. Traditional practice for those nine days include refraining from eating meat, getting hair cuts, and other things the rabbis understood as expressions of luxury or celebration. This leads to Tisha B’Av, the second most significant fast day on the Jewish calendar, and the traditional restrictions echo those of Yom Kippur. Tisha B’Av is also marked liturgically, with three “Haftarot of Admonition” read on the three Shabbatot preceding the day, and seven “Haftarot of Consolation” read on the seven Shabbatot following Tisha B’Av. These lead us into the High Holiday season.