CBST's Ner Tamid Legacy Giving Society

“We believe in CBST. We’re so glad there’s a way of continuing our contributions and being a small cornerstone of CBST’s future ~ Sherri Felt Dratfield and Simon Dratfield, longtime CBST and Ner Tamid Legacy members Read more…
Leave a legacy of support by joining CBST’s Ner Tamid Society
The eternal flame, Ner Tamid, is displayed in front of the synagogue Ark as a symbol of continuity. At CBST, we’ve named our society of supporters who have included CBST in their estate plan the Ner Tamid Legacy Society.
At CBST, we remember with respect and gratitude those who created our beautiful community. Since 1973, our history has been built on a legacy of pride, a legacy of joy, a legacy of connection and spirit.
Making a planned gift to CBST is a powerful way to leave your legacy. And it will mean so much for your synagogue, and the next generation of LGBTQ+ Jewish people. We invite you to keep our light shining for generations to come.
This special act of giving is proof of our commitment to continuity, midor l’dor, in Jewish tradition, from generation to generation. Together, we can meet our obligation to leave a strong legacy for tomorrow.

As Ner Tamid donors, we’re a small part in keeping CBST accessibe for everyone, especially for generations to come. ~Shelli Aderman and Narda Alcorn, longtime CBST and Ner Tamid Legacy Members Read more…
To include CBST in your will or living trust, we suggest including the following language
"I give to CBST...
“I give to Congregation Beit Simchat Torah a not-for-profit institution incorporated by the laws of the State of New York, having as its principal address 130 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001, federal tax ID #23-7406899. [the sum of $______ or _____% of my estate or residuary estate] to be used for its general purposes.”
To include CBST as a beneficiary of your retirement, IRA or life insurance policy, follow these three easy steps:
Step 1
Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive and name CBST, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form. Include CBST’s federal tax ID# 23-7406899.
Step 2
Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Step 3
Notify us so we can include you in CBST’s Ner Tamid Society. Please reach out to Director of Development Teri Rosenberg at trosenberg@cbst.org.
Thank you for committing to our future by joining CBST's Ner Tamid Legacy giving society!
Is CBST already part of your legacy plans? Please let us know so can welcome you as a member of our Legacy Society.
CONTACT: Teri Rosenberg, Director of Development, trosenberg@cbst.org or (212) 929-9498 x814
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.

Ner Tamid legacy giving is about the long term, so that when an LGBTQ kid gets off the bus looking for a welcoming shul, they have CBST, hwere they can go with their parents and hold hands and skip down the aisles together. ~ Ruth Gursky, longtime CBST and Ner Tamid Legacy member Read more…