CBST’s Interactive Memorial Board
On display in The Kuriel Chapel and Online
As of Spring 2022, CBST is pleased to launch a new Interactive Memorial Board.
The Interactive Memorial Board in The Kuriel Chapel includes yortzeits which CBST previously kept on individual plaques. We are pleased to offer this new way to remember your loved ones.
The Interactive Memorial Board includes all Members’ names memorialized in The Wine Family Sanctuary, all Family and Friends whose names were memorialized on plaques in The Kuriel Chapel, and also provides several new options. These are viewable on-site at CBST, and also online here.
You may:
- View Yortzeit names of the week, or a scrolling view of all Yortzeits during Yizkor
- Personalize a tribute with details, such as adding a biography and photo to any memorial
- Add new Memorials at any time
Also, we have search features, like one might see at a museum, or interactive exhibit. Including:
- Searching from the touch screen in The Kuriel Chapel
- Accessing and viewing CBST memorials online from anywhere in the world
- Viewing relatives who are also memorialized in the system
For CBST Members: New Memorials may be added for a donation of $1,080 which include your loved one’s biography and a photo. If you already have a memorial, you may add a biography and photo for an additional contribution of $360. Please contact Ruth Kleinman, Membership and Engagement Manager, at or 212-929-9498 x 815.
CBST’s Interactive Memorial Board is a new addition to our synagogue. To make a sponsoring capital donation with a Naming Opportunity for the board, please contact Membership, or 212-929-9498