Mishpachah (55+, all are welcome!)

Mishpachah (Family) is CBST’s premier social and cultural group for people age 55+, our friends and allies. We meet weekly (currently remotely) to make friends, have fun, network, learn, and give/gain support. Our informal gathering has helped form tighter bonds in the community. 

Mishpachah Dinner at CBST
Friday, August 16, 5:00–6:00pm | In-Person at CBST | Register » | Join us for a pre-service meal and shmooze at CBST. Register by August 12. $25/person. Write to jribnick@cbst.org for more info and scholarships.

Mishpachah Monday! Online Dinner, Shmooze and Learn
Mondays at 5:00 p.m. | Via Zoom | Join our weekly Mishpachah gathering every Monday evening at 5:00pm. Bring your dinner or a snack and get together with your mishpachah—your CBST family. “Lightly” facilitated by Judy Ribnick, LCSW, with co-chair Sharon Golub, along with Mishpachah participants and guests.  
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/513521023
Meeting ID: 513 521 023
Call-in: +1 646 876 9923 (New York)

Zoom Instructions and Etiquette

  • All classes & programs will be locked at their start time. Please arrive 10 minutes early. We appreciate your understanding as we strive to provide the best possible experience for program participants and leaders.
  • MUTE your computer microphone, phone or other device until you are invited to speak.
  • To protect the sacred nature of our services, classes and programs, please make sure that when you join us via Zoom, that your “display name” is updated (i.e., not whatever default your device might set like “iPhone6” etc.).
  • As in our Sanctuary, no photography is allowed.
  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
    Learn more and donate

  • CBST Annual Appeal

  • Make your contribution today!

  • Sponsor an upcoming Shabbat!

  • Each week,
    members and friends
    sponsor our livestream
    and oneg/kiddush

    to share joys and remembrances,
    marking special occasions
    and poignant moments.