Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, Simchat Torah
וּפְרוֹשׂ עָלֵינוּ סֻכַּת שְׁלוֹמֶךָ
Ufros aleinu sukkat sh’lomecha
Spread over us the Sukkah (shelter) of Your Peace.
Join Us To Celebrate Sukkot!
Sukkot begins the evening of September 29 / 15 Tishrei through October 7 / 22 Tishrei, culminating with Simchat Torah on October 7 / 23 Tishrei.
We will have a sukkah at CBST, 130 West 30th Street, for you to sit in. We’ll also have beautiful Sukkot decorations inside our sanctuary, and a Lulav and Etrog will be available for anyone who wants to shake and smell!
We are grateful to Jack Greenberg and Ron Weiss for donating the Lulavim and Etrogim in memory of Jack’s father, Max Greenberg, z”l. We are grateful to Earl Anthony Giaquinto for the fabulous indoor Sukkot decorations.
Sukkah Chaver Sign
For the festival of Sukkot, it is traditional to decorate the sukkah and CBST is proud to offer an opportunity for you to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.
The Hebrew word for “ally” is חבר—Chaver. This image of the Hebrew word, filled in with the colors of the Progress Pride Flag is a wonderful way to show solidarity in your sukkah during Sukkot and in other spaces year round.
View and download a PDF of the Sukkah Chaver Sign to print out and hang in your sukkah or anywhere you choose! We also encourage you to share on social media widely. View the PNG image file for easy sharing or take a photo in your sukkah, home, or workspace with your Chaver Sign and tag CBST!
Schedule of Services and Sukkah Gatherings
Due to severe flooding and the city-wide state of emergency, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah’s Shabbat and Sukkot services and programming will be online only for this Shabbat (Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30). There will be NO in-person services. Please stay home and stay safe.
Shabbat Sukkot
Friday, September 29 / 15 Tishrei, 6:30 p.m.
Online Only»
Service Leader: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen
Guest Speakers: CBST Board Past-President Eric Rosenbaum & Shams DaBaron
We’re thrilled to welcome Eric Rosenbaum, President and CEO of Project Renewal, and Shams DaBaron, known as “Da Homeless Hero”, who will speak about housing and homelessness in New York City and the arc of the Jewish holidays, from the newness of Rosh Hashanah, through the accountability of Yom Kippur, to the understanding of what home and safety really mean that comes from Sukkot. Read Eric & Sham’s bios and learn more.
Eric shared with us this reading list and a link to donate to Project Renewal.
Shabbat Sukkot Oneg
Friday, September 29 / 15 Tishrei, starting 15 minutes after end of service
Via Zoom Only»
Join us after services for an oneg with Rabbi Kleinbaum in conversation with CBST Board Past-President Eric Rosenbaum and Shams DaBaron.
RESCHEDULED Ark Clinic Appreciation Sukkah Gathering
Due to the wild weather today in New York, we are canceling tonight’s (9/29) Ark Appreciation event. We will reschedule in the future! Please be careful if you do have to be outdoors today.
Friday, September 29, 5:00–6:15 p.m.
In-Person at CBST’s Sukkah, 130 West 30th Street
Immigrant friends and volunteers with CBST’s Ark Immigration Clinic, come let us appreciate and celebrate you in the sukkah! We’ll have light refreshments, time to share things we’re proud of and add decorations to CBST’s sukkah, and we’ll get to hear each other’s voices as we sing the clinic song together. RSVP to Rabbi James at rabbijames@cbst.org.
Shabbat Sukkot Morning I
Saturday, September 30 / 15 Tishrei, 10:00 a.m.
Via Zoom Only »
Service Leader: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Aliza Schwartz
Ba’alat Tefillah: Rabbi Marisa James
D’var Torah: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Aliza Schwartz
Havdalah Service
Saturday, September 30 / 16 Tishrei, 8:30 p.m.
Via Zoom Only »
High Holy Day Volunteers Appreciation Sukkah Gathering
Friday, October 6 / 22 Tishrei,, 4:30–6:15 p.m.
In-person at CBST’s Sukkah, 130 West 30th Street
Thank you to all the members who volunteered to help at our High Holy Day Services! Please join us in CBST’s sukkah for a special gathering so we can show our appreciation for all the holy work and support for CBST you have shown this High Holy Day season.
By invitation only.
Shabbat Shmini Atzeret
Friday, October 6 / 22 Tishrei, 6:30 p.m.
In-Person at CBST, 130 West 30th Street and Online »
Service Leaders: Rabbi Yael Werber
Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen
Piano: Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig
Drashah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Shabbat Shmini Atzeret—Morning Services with Yizkor
Saturday, October 7 / 22 Tishrei, 10:00 a.m.
In-Person at CBST, 130 West 30th Street and Via Zoom »
Service Leaders: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen
D’var Torah: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Adam Graubart
Families with Children Sukkot Program
Saturday, October 7 / 22 Tishrei, 10:00 a.m.
In-Person at CBST, 130 West 30th Street in the Kuriel Chapel
Service leader: Rabbi Yael Werber
Song Leader: Stephen Figurasmith
Simchat Torah
Saturday, October 7 / 23 Tishrei at 6:30 p.m.
In-Person at CBST, 130 West 30th Street and Online »
Sukkot leads into our community celebration of Simchat Torah!
Service Leaders: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Rabbi Yael Werber
Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen
Piano: Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig
With beloved musical guests Elana Arian, Iván Barenboim, and Barbara Freedman
Sisu v’simchu b’Simchat Torah, utnu kavod laTorah
Rejoice and be GAY on Simchat Torah, thus we will give honor to the Torah!
Join CBST to make our 7 hakafot, 7 circles of singing and dancing with our Torahs. We celebrate the completion of the year-cycle of reading Torah, reading the last blessings of Deuteronomy, and the first awakenings of Genesis. Dance with festive music, and see the entire Torah unrolled before your very eyes. Families with children are welcome and encouraged! Come dance and celebrate the Torah with us!