CBST Teen Track's Trip to Washington, D.C.

CBST’s Teen Track had a wonderful and empowering journey to Washington, D.C., at the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC). Before returning on Monday, Jan. 22, all of the teens spoke directly to teams from their congressional districts, in their offices.

All in all, L’Taken teens visited 90 congressional offices. From exploring the workings of Congress to delivering passionate speeches on multiple social justice issues, our teens are making waves for change.

Our Teen Track teens had Shabbat services, practiced lobbying simulations, visited the US Holocaust Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and met staff in both Senate and House offices on Capitol Hill.

Our group also loved being with teens from the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (JRC) in Chicago, led by former CBST Associate Rabbi Rachel Weiss!

Hear from our teens on Friday, Jan. 26, during Kabbalat Shabbat Services, in person and online. All are welcome.

See a dozen more photos from the trip in this post on CBST’s Facebook page.

  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
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