Shabbat Nasso

“Joy is an act of spiritual and political resistance. Do not despair.” —Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

In her penultimate drashah as senior rabbi, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum offered prayers for healing, and reflections on endings, grief, and transitions. Each one of these things, she said, conjures for each of us all the others that we’ve experienced in our lives. 

With this in mind, Rabbi Kleinbaum explored the significance of endings in Judaism and grappled with the challenges of leading the Jewish community through times of crisis, including anti-LGBT legislation and the most recent pandemic.

Rabbi Kleinbaum underscored the importance of empathy and understanding, of sharing personal stories that can open us up to each other during times of hardship or change, and overcoming adversity through creativity, generosity, and kindness.

  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
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