Homeless LGBT Youth
Resources for LGBTQ Youth in NYC
This Resource Guide has been prepared to inform clergy and other professionals of the needs of runaway and homeless LGBTQ youth and the resources available to them. According to the Ali Forney Center, studies have found that LGBTQ youth comprises up to 40% of the homeless youth population in New York City. LGBTQ street youth experience greater levels of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking violence, trauma, HIV infection, mental health issues and substance abuse than their heterosexual counterparts. LGBTQ youth comprises a disproportionate number of the population and are 8 times more likely to experience homelessness.
CBST, as part of Campaign for Youth Shelter, works with a network of faith-based organizations, demanding that our government take responsibility and provide a bed in a safe place for each homeless and runaway youth in New York State.
For more information, contact: rabbijames@cbst.org.
Ali Forney Center is the largest agency dedicated to LGBTQ homeless youth in the country – assisting nearly 1,400 youth per year through 10 housing sites and a multi-purpose Drop-In Center in Harlem at 321 W. 125th St. Its mission is to provide LGBTQ young people housing and a continuum of supportive services to help them thrive and prepare them for independent living.
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, 356 W. 18th St., provides health care and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities regardless of their ability to pay. Health Outreach To Teens (HOTT) is a welcoming, non-judgmental, confidential program designed specifically to meet the medical and mental health needs of adolescents and young adults ages 13-24; as well as homeless youth, runaways, sex workers, squatters and other street-oriented youth.
The Center, New York City’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, 208 West 13th Street, empowers people to lead healthy, successful lives. Since 1989, The Center has been providing services and resources for their growing community of LGBTQ youth and young adults. They offer one-on-one support, coming out support groups, family counseling, drop-in discussion groups, crisis intervention and youth community resources.
The Church, on 487 Hudson St., offers LGBTQA young people hot meals, workshops in the visual and performing arts, the services of social workers and caring adult volunteers. The program serves 60+ young people each week, and more than 1600 young people ages 14—23 are currently enrolled.
Covenant House, 460 W. 41st St., is the nation’s largest privately funded agency serving homeless, runaway and at-risk youth. Covenant House New York has a comprehensive continuum of care characterized by the coordination and integration of a range of services including: crisis care and shelter; transitional living; health care; employment and job readiness training; educational support and GED preparation; legal services; street outreach; aftercare and drop-in services and more.
The Door, 555 Broome St., serves 11,000+ young people from all over New York City with services including reproductive health care, education, mental health counseling, crisis assistance, legal assistance, GED and ESOL classes, tutoring and homework help, college preparation services, career development, job training and placement, supportive housing, sports and recreational activities, arts and nutritious meals – all free, confidential and under one roof. In addition, The Door provides a wide range of programs and services to benefit their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (LGBTQ) members.
Green Chimneys, in Brewster, NY, serves runaway, homeless, street youth and families in crisis in Putnam County and New York City through community-based services and support programs dedicated to LGBTQ youth who are homeless. THis includes residential services and career training to provide resources and develop vital skills to help youth enter adulthood as healthy, responsible members of their communities.
The Harvey Milk High School, (HMHS), 2 Astor Place, is a four-year, fully-accredited, inclusive, voluntary public high school, named in honor of gay-rights champion and groundbreaking San Francisco politician, Harvey Milk. The HMHS door is open for all students, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or physical abilities.
The Hetrick-Martin Institute, 2 Astor Place is the oldest and largest non-profit agency created to serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth between the ages of 13 and 24. Their after-school programs invite youth to explore the arts, culture, tutoring, job skills and health issues, with an LGBTQ focus. The staff of Supportive Services, provides help that is tailored to the individual with regard to: housing, HIV counseling, family therapy and more!
New Alternatives, has as its mission, to increase the self-sufficiency of homeless LGBT youth, enabling them to transition out of the shelter system and into stable adult lives. St. John’s Church, 83 Christopher St., they provide case management, education services, life skills training, community-building recreational activities, opportunities for self-expression, and support services for HIV+ youth. Their guiding principles are those of harm reduction, youth development and empowerment.
CBST’s Shelter of Peace is underwritten in part, by the generosity and support of the Calamus Foundation.