Adult B* Mitzvah

CBST’s Adult B* Mitzvah program is a remarkable journey of learning, praying, studying and exploring Jewish identity and tradition. Approaching this rite of passage as an adult learner is an expansive journey. This may be an opportunity to celebrate a B* Mitzvah for the first time or to revisit and renew this moment in a more purposeful, thoughtful and intentional way as an adult. Wherever you are on your Jewish journey, whatever the motivation for embarking on this path, you are most welcome to join CBST’s Adult B* Mitzvah program!

For this next cohort, we are looking ahead at a two year program, divided into four semesters. In the fourth semester, the students in the program will celebrate their B* Mitzvah in small groups at a number of spring Shabbat morning services. The classes taught over the course of the program include: Prayer liturgy, Jewish history, Torah, theology, Hebrew, and Torah Cantillation. Classes are taught by CBST teachers and clergy.

For more information view the recording and slide presentation from our Adult B*Mitzvah 5785 Info Session, held on May 30, 2024. 

Prerequisites for the CBST B*Mitzvah Program include:

  • 1 year minimum of CBST membership 
  • 1 year or more of Hebrew language study (we offer regular Intro to Hebrew courses through our Lehrhaus Judaica Adult Education program)

The Adult B* Mitzvah cohort of 2026 will begin in November 2024 with CBST’s Lehrhaus classes. Info and registration below: 

  • Ready to sign up? Fill out this form, which will give us more information about your Jewish educational background, learning, and spiritual path (this is not an “application” or test – simply a way for us to learn more about you)!
  • Then, sign up for our Lehrhaus classes!
  • As soon as you are ready to make a commitment to this program, please fill out the questionnaire and return it to CBST Educator Miya Rotstein.  

We are looking forward to this time of learning, questioning and exploring together!

  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
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