In-Person Friday Night and Saturday Morning Services are open to all.
Please review our updated Door Policy for attending in-person services and programs.
All are welcome to participate in services via livestream on the CBST livestream page and Facebook.
Our regularly scheduled evening and morning Shabbat services reflect the diversity of the Jewish religious observance at CBST, a pluralistic resource in New York City’s Jewish life. All CBST services are open to everyone, always free of charge. Questions? Contact us at 212-929-9498 or info@cbst.org.
- Service times and locations can be found on our calendar and noted in the weekly eNews.
- To see the service times and leaders for this week, please visit the This Week’s Services page
- Consider sharing moments of joy or memory with the community by sponsoring Shabbat and Livestreaming.
Shabbat Evening Services / Kabbalat Shabbat Services
The core of CBST’s religious life is our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service, combining traditional liturgy with progressive values, politics, spirituality, reflection, and magnificent music. Services are led by our rabbis, music director, cantorial intern, cantorial student, and lay ba’alei tefillah (service leaders). Scheduled every Friday evening throughout the year at 6:30pm, services are held at 130 West 30th Street in New York, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues.
Shabbat Morning Services / Avodat HaLev (Service of the Heart)
First Saturday of the Month, 10:00 am
Come sing, pray and learn! Our first shabbat of the month will be a song-filled morning service that leads into an extended Torah study, where we can study the parsha together. I encourage you to bring your voices, musical instruments if you would like, an open mind ready for discussion, and a friend! View the source sheet for the upcoming service here – Rabbi Yael Werber
Shabbat Morning Services / Liberal Format Services
Second and Fourth Saturday of the Month, 10:00 am
In this service, we daven in a consciously modern context with a discussion of the weekly Torah reading and a Kiddush lunch. This minyan uses the Reconstructionist movement’s siddur Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, reads Torah on the triennial cycle, and reads the traditional Haftarah reading. Services are led by our rabbis, Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Interns, and lay leaders.
Shabbat Morning Services / Traditional Egalitarian Format Services
Third Saturday of the Month, 10:00 am
In this service, we daven a liturgically inclusive Shabbat morning service in a more traditional yet completely egalitarian context. This service includes a full Torah reading, Haftarah reading, and Musaf. Using the Conservative movement’s Siddur Lev Shalem, this service is led by our lay leaders and rabbis.
Shabbat Morning Services / Torah Study
Some select Saturday mornings, 10:00 am
Take a deep dive into this week’s Torah portion with interactive study and discussion of the text. We will open with a prayer for healing and close with a recitation of Mourner’s Kaddish following our study session. All are welcome; texts will be offered with English translation, and insights from those well-practiced or brand-new to Torah are treasured!
Shabbat Morning for Children
During the school year, CBST’s Limmud B’Shabbat Hebrew School and Children’s Alef Bet Shabbat services are held concurrently with the Liberal Format Shabbat Morning Service. Children 0-5 attend Alef-Bet Shabbat with their grownups, while children in grades K-7 attend their own services and classes in Hebrew and Jewish learning. CBST’s Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Yael Werber, directs these programs. Learn more about Children’s Education Programs!
Havdalah, 7pm
In this brief service, CBST community members gather on zoom to mark the end of Shabbat each week with candle lighting and singing, led by CBST clergy. Open to all.
Shabbat Shalem – Monthly
One Shabbat per month, CBST opens its doors for the full Shabbat day to spend together. Come spend time in person and with our online community, for hybrid programs throughout the day. Learn, sing, play, shmooze, and build your community.
The next Shabbat Shalem is Saturday, February 8. Register here!
Schedule for the day:
10:00am – Shabbat Morning Services – Liberal Minyan
12:30pm – Festive Kiddush lunch following services (snacks will be made available throughout the day, but we do encourage folks to BYOFood! No nuts, please. Please also note CBST’s Kashrut policy.)
1:30pm – 2:30pm – Welcome & Community Learning with Rabbi Yael Werber (hybrid)
1:30 – 3:00pm – Teen Track (Chapel)
3:00 – 4:00pm –
In-person Only: Learning with Rabbi Mike Moskowitz
Online Only: Scattergories with Sharon Golub
3:00 – 3:45pm – Israeli Dancing
4:00 – 5:00pm –
Shabbat Sits: A space for silent meditation and discussion in community
CBST: The Next 52 Years with Rabbi Jason Klein and Rabbi Yael Werber
5:00–6:00pm – Seudah Shlishit Dinner & Drinks for registrants
6:00–6:30pm – Havdalah and Closing
All Day:
* Board games, crafts, and more, led by CBST members. We encourage you to bring your own board games, crafts, books, and anything else that would make this Shabbat a meaningful experience for you!
* The Hibsher-Orient room will be set up as a low light, quiet space to rest, read, and take a break from the activities.
* CBST’s Democracy Team will have a table set up with information about upcoming New York City elections, and thank you notes to send to the representatives who have been consistently fighting for justice.
* Our Little Free Social Justice Library will be available all day! Bring a book you loved with a social justice theme that you’re ready to pass on to others, and/or pick a book to read and take home.
Join us and save the dates!
Saturdays March 22, April 5, and May 10, starting after Shabbat Morning Services and continuing until 6:30pm.
Torah and Haftarah Reading at CBST
CBST is proud that all Torah and Haftarah readings for Shabbat, festivals, and High Holy Days are done by lay members of our community. We provide our readers with access to an easy online sign-up system, guidance and support in preparation, and images from our Torah. If you are interested in learning more about our leyning program or would like to be put on the email list, let us know.