Accessibility, Health & Safety, Facilities

CBST is a fully accessible building with an accessible elevator and accessible bathrooms. Learn more about accessibility onsite at CBST »

When we go offsite for services or programming, such as for Pride Shabbat and High Holy Days, we want to make your experience as smooth as possible and are aware of the risk associated with large gatherings. 

Continuing escalation of COVID-19 will hopefully be checked with newly formulated vaccines to better match circulating strains. At CBST, we aim to protect each other, to spread accurate practical information, and to take special care to keep our clergy and staff safe.

CBST’s Science and Medical Team asks that we rededicate to the practices that have served our community:

  • If you have, or have recently recovered from, respiratory symptoms, please do not attend in-person events. All services will be livestreamed, and we will look forward to welcoming you back soon! 
  • Consider wearing a mask, especially while moving through congested areas. 
  • Please respect personal space by not automatically moving to embrace others. This simple practice was especially effective in protecting our clergy in prior High Holy Day seasons! 
  • Keep up to date on vaccinations for Flu and COVID. The more of us who are vaccinated before we gather at the Masonic Hall and the Jacob Javits Center, the more effective our efforts will be.
  • If you are at risk for m-pox (Mpox – NYC Health), consider reaching out to your healthcare provider to discuss vaccination.

Sincere thanks, and healthy and joyous New Year to all! 

Please note these policies are subject to change. Be sure to check back here for the most up-to-date information regarding safety and masking policies. 

Please reach out to if you have any questions

Safety and Masking

The clergy and leadership of CBST are thrilled to welcome our community to in-person and online High Holy Day services for 5784, including our first time back at the Javits Center since 2019! However, Increasing COVID infections, some proceeding to serious illness, and community spread, require that we take modest precautions to keep our Kehila Kadosha (holy congregation) safe:

The Medical Team recommends carrying and wearing a mask, especially in crowded corridors, stairways, and elevators. Feel free to continue wearing your mask when settled in your seat.

There will be a mask-only section for each service, to accommodate anyone who wishes to sit there. Ask an usher for location.

If you feel ill, please do not come to in-person services.

Please remember that everyone who attends a CBST event in person attests to full COVID vaccination. Be sure you and your guests are up to date in the COVID vaccinations for which you are eligible. Visit to access vaccination sites.

Warm physical greetings, common at previous CBST at High Holy Day services, may not be appropriate at services this year, especially when they involve clergy and other service leaders. Let us continue to protect those who make our worship possible.

Please note these policies are subject to change. Be sure to check back here for the most up-to-date information regarding safety and masking policies for the High Holy Days. Updated September 11, 2023

Accessibility at Masonic Hall

For Rosh Hashanah, CBST’s Main Services will take place at Masonic Hall.


  • Masonic Hall Main Entrance: 46 West 24th Street
  • Masonic Hall Accessible Entrance: 71 West 23rd Street

Guests who cannot safely navigate 7 steps should enter at 71 West 23rd Street. This entrance is fully accessible via two sets of elevators.


CBST Staff & Volunteers will be available to assist and direct attendees to the appropriate elevators, through the most accessible route, and to their seats. View a map of the accessible route at Masonic Hall »

There will be no coat or bag checks available. Please refrain from bringing bags and large items. All bags are subject to inspection.


A select number of seats will be reserved for guests with accessibility needs and these seats will be released 5 minutes before the start of each service. Arriving 20-30 minute prior to the service start time with a companion is recommended.


Live captioning will be provided in-person and online for the Main Services. When registering, please check “Captioning” if you require accessible seating in the captioning section. We are not able to provide ASL interpretation, but the captioning will be done by a live captioner, not an automatic system, to ensure that the captioning is high quality.

Accessibility at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

For Yom Kippur, CBST’s Main Services will take place at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.


  • Javits Center Main and Accessible Entrance: 429 11th Avenue (at 35th Street), New York, NY 10001 – this entrance is at street level with no steps, and is fully accessible to all.


  • We will be utilizing magnetometer screening at Jacob Javits. Please allow for more time for processing at arrival. 
  • The Javits Center features sidewalk ramps and automatic doors at all street levels, as well as accessible restrooms and elevators.
  • Electric scooters are available for rent at the Javits Center by contacting the Security and Safety Solutions Department at (212) 216-2196. Manually operated wheelchairs also are available, but they cannot be reserved. Upon arrival, please visit the Concierge Desk in the Crystal Palace or ask a Public Safety Office for assistance in securing a wheelchair. CBST Staff and Volunteers will also be onsite to assist. Learn more about accessibility at the Javits Center »

There will be no coat or bag checks available. Please refrain from bringing bags and large items. All bags are subject to inspection.


A select number of seats will be reserved for guests with accessibility needs and these seats will be released 5 minutes before the start of each service. Arriving 20-30 minute prior to the service start time with a companion is recommended.


Live captioning will be provided in-person and online for the Main Services. When registering, please check “Captioning” if you require accessible seating in the captioning section. We are not able to provide ASL interpretation, but the captioning will be done by a live captioner, not an automatic system, to ensure that the captioning is high quality.

Accessibility at CBST

Families with Children Services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur will take place at CBST.


  • CBST Main, Accessible Entrance: 130 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001


CBST is a fully accessible building with an accessible elevator and accessible bathrooms. Learn more about accessibility onsite at CBST »

There will be no coat or bag checks available. Please refrain from bringing bags and large items. All bags are subject to inspection.


A select number of seats will be reserved for guests with accessibility needs and these seats will be released 5 minutes before the start of each service. Arriving 20-30 minute prior to the service start time with a companion is recommended.