Shabbat Mishpatim

“When you’re in the depths of the depths, it can be so easy and so tempting to turn towards hatred, towards a desire to bring others low. We see this every day all around us. It is understandable, even natural, maybe, to have this instinct. But I turn to the words of Psalm 120 the words of the Bibas family, a family that has known grief that no family should have to know, and to the values implicit in the very building of our holiest spaces, from the Torah and I repeat: Ani Shalom. We must be a peace-seeking people. We will not lift up our swords, even in service of building an altar, even when all around us people are speaking hatred and war. We must remain steadfast in our commitment, in our covenant to not be a people that is for destroying life, but a people instead calls out that instead, out of the depths, can call out to God and envision a future that is equitable and just one where we take care of the neediest and most vulnerable among us, one where we behave rightly with one another, one where we open our arms to the stranger and to the immigrant. We will have to make the long, slow ascent out of the depths, and we will walk there, not in large, leaping steps, but on an even slope, trudging to the top, singing songs of ascent together”

Rabbi Werber delivered a strong message on this Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, February 21, 2025 / 24 Shevat 5785. Watch Rabbi Werber’s full talk above. 


Be in community with CBST at Kabbalat Shabbat services, every Friday at 6:30pm EST, either in person or streaming live on CBST’s website at

CBST is an LGBTQ+ synagogue for people of all sexual identities and genders and a joyful, spiritual, proud community. All are welcome.