Shabbat Vayeitzei, 2024

“Queerness is a way of looking at the world that is full of untapped possibility, of seeing beyond what you’ve been told you’re supposed to see and into a life of freedom and newness, a life of more that’s extremely powerful, and in so many ways, it’s exactly what real leadership is meant to do as well. It’s meant to help us have access to more and to see beyond our own circumstances. Queerness is the gift of being able to see beyond the binary of what is already in place and to imagine a future that is much more multi faceted and full,” Rabbi Yael Werber shared this celebration of queerness in her drashah this past Shabbat.

Rabbi Werber’s talk centered on the biblical character Jacob, emphasizing his transformation from a privileged son to a stranger and leader. Jacob’s queerness is about being a “stranger,” an outsider, who finds family away from his family of origin. This is the transformative power of queer community, which Rabbi Werber addressed both from personal experiences and with teachings from the week’s parsha. Her drashah ends with dreaming for a future of inclusivity, hope, and leadership that embraces diversity and possibility, encouraging a shift away from binary thinking and towards a more multi-faceted view of the world.

Rabbi Yael Werber delivered this drashah at Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, December 6, 2024 / 6 Kislev 5784. 

CBST is an LGBTQ+ synagogue for people of all sexual identities and genders and a joyful, spiritual, proud community. All are welcome 🌈✨