Counting on LGBT+ Jews for Shavuot

Rabbi Mike Moskowitz: “The Torah was never given to an individual, but rather to a nation. For far too long, many communities have forced those who come out — to get out, and as a result, we, and the Torah we study, are deficient.

Our rabbis teach that if we want to properly accept the Torah on Shavuot, we need to accept it as we originally did: with complete unity and acceptance of each other.

That means that we must proactively engage our queer siblings and refocus our communal responsibility to ensure queer folks can be out — while staying in religious spaces.”

We couldn’t agree more! Read more from Rabbi Mike Moskowitz in his writing “Counting on LGBT+ Jews for Shavuot” for Bayit.

Rabbi Mike Moskowitz, CBST’s Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies. He is a deeply traditional and radically progressive advocate for trans rights and a vocal ally for LGBTQ inclusivity. Learn more about Rabbi Moskowitz and his writings here.

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