Membership Matters!

Being a member of CBST makes you an integral part of a remarkable community of love and support, a leading voice for progressive Judaism, LGBTQI+ inclusion and social justice. Your loyal membership is the most important source of support for everything we do at CBST: worship, education, pastoral care, community building, and social justice. Something magical happens when you join CBST.

What is CBST’s Membership Fair Share Model?

Membership dues are based on a Fair Share model, a hallmark of CBST since our founding. We invite you to join us at the level that is right for you.

We trust you to tell us where you fall on this chart. We do ask that you consider earned income, social security and/or pension and investment income for everyone in your household.

Based on the synagogue’s expenses, it costs CBST approximately $3,150 per year per household to keep our doors open to all. Those who are able to contribute more than this amount help to offset the dues of those paying at a lower level.

As of 2024, all member households are being asked to fulfill a $180/year security assessment to support the safety of the synagogue, clergy, staff, and congregants. The Board of Directors shared this letter in December of 2023.

CBST Membership FAQ

What are the Benefits of CBST Membership?

There are so many reasons to be in community with CBST as a member. They include: 

Clergy Access and Lifecycle Functions

  • Pastoral counseling
  • Baby naming, B*Mitzvah (Youth and Adult), Conversion, Marriage, Burial, Shiva minyanim, and Memorial Services.
  • Adding your loved ones’ names to the digital memorial board in the Kuriel Chapel.
  • Memorializing loved ones in the High Holy Days Book of Remembrance and on the memorial screen in the Kuriel Chapel.


  • Attend Member Town Halls
  • Vote in Annual and Special Meetings
  • Join the board, teams, and committees
  • Chesed peer-to-peer support services, providing and/or receiving support
  • CBST’s Annual Retreat
  • Congregational travel domestically and abroad


  • Limmud b’Shabbat,rich education, and B*Mitzvah programs for families with children
  • Adult Education programs for free or reduced rates for members


  • Priority access for in-person services year-round, including the High Holy Days
  • Service leadership and Torah/Haftarah reading
  • Participation in our magnificent community chorus

Social Justice

  • Have your voice heard in LGBTQ+ progressive Judaism
  • Volunteer for social justice, community action, and year-round initiatives for tikkun olam(repairing the world)

Since the pandemic, CBST has offered high-quality livestreaming services, classes, pastoral care, and other programing to members of our community far and wide. Since so many of our members – whether near by or afar – now connect fully with CBST online, we no longer offer out-of-town membership as a special affiliation. If CBST is your primary synagogue, we ask you to join at your fair share household income category.

Our fiscal/membership year begins in July and goes through June, and we welcome new members at any time. Annual-pay memberships will be prorated for the first year; monthly-pay memberships begin billing as soon as you join.

Here’s our annual schedule:

  • July: CBST staff check in with annual-pay members to renew your membership
  • August/September: You will receive an invoice for your membership renewal on your monthly statement.
  • October-December: If your renewal is not fulfilled, your membership will be considered in a grace period. You’ll receive monthly reminders of your outstanding balance.
  • January: If your renewal is not fulfilled and we have not heard from you, your membership will be considered expired.

Monthly-pay members are automatically charged each month, and automatically renewed each year, and never risk being in a grace period. We encourage all members to pay by ACH (bank to bank transfer) to save us credit card fees.

Your membership is the foundation of our work. We are deeply grateful and thrilled to have you join us. We are ready to get to know you and grow with you as you take this important step on your Jewish journey. Please email  to share your request to join CBST! Thank you for becoming a CBST member today!

We thank you for your ongoing commitment and support. Click here to renew online, change your Fair Share level, or become a monthly continuing member.

You can change your Fair Share level at any time. Please contact for more information.

We welcome – indeed depend upon – donations above and beyond dues, whether for our Annual Appeal, or for other funds or purposes. We also rely on financial support from non-members and are grateful for donations of any size. Click here to see donation opportunities.


If you have any other questions, or need any assistance, please contact our membership team at or call 212-929-9498 x815

  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
    Learn more and donate

  • CBST Annual Appeal

  • Make your contribution today!

  • Sponsor an upcoming Shabbat!

  • Each week,
    members and friends
    sponsor our livestream
    and oneg/kiddush

    to share joys and remembrances,
    marking special occasions
    and poignant moments.