Democracy Action Team/Resistance!
The Democracy Team provides a weekly opportunity for members and nonmembers to turn their rage and despair into positive action. Guided by a weekly agenda, we share resources and provide training so you can make your voice heard on the issues you care about. We use a variety of modalities — texting, postcard- and letter-writing, protesting, lobbying, emailing, petition signing, and phone calls — among other things.
Join us!
When: Thursdays from 12:30-1:15 pm via Zoom, and in person at CBST on the third Thursday of the month with pizza from 12:30-2:00pm.
The causes we embrace range widely, but all come down to honoring the Jewish imperative of Tikkun Olam — Repairing the World. Sometimes it’s political. Sometimes it’s corporate. Sometimes it’s hyper-local. Sometimes it’s national. Sometimes it’s global. Join us and learn how to add your voice to this important work.
- Voting: Rights. Education. Protection. Access. Turnout.
- Immigrant and refugee protections
- Income inequality
- Protecting the environment
- Common-sense gun laws
- Ending mass incarceration
- Education
- Healthcare
- Calling out antisemitism, racism, and bigotry in all forms
- Reproductive rights
- LGBTQ rights
Check out these resources for activists
Look at some of our recent issues and take action, no matter where you are.
“…Doing this work has been a profound lesson and spiritually practical practice in how a little bit of action can bridge the crippling divide between wanting to do ‘all or nothing.’ I leave feeling lifted and useful…if someone else is writing postcards, talking to a Senator, I feel a part of something larger than myself. It is said that those who make change–abolitionists, suffragettes, civil rights workers, or gay rights activists–create it not with a large group, but rather a group with a huge amount of passion and commitment. And knowing that we are part of an even larger group means that my physical action positively affects my mental and emotional wellbeing. God willing, it creates positive ripples of change, reaching out far beyond CBST’s doors.” —Goldalee Katsanis-Semel
Zoom Info
RESISTANCE: Calls & Cards meets Democracy Action Team
Thursdays, 12:30-1:15pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87441818544
Meeting ID: 874 4181 8544
Call-in: +1 646 876 9923 (New York)
- Please “arrive” 10 minutes early for any Zoom program so that we can start on time.
- To protect the sacred nature of our programs & services, please make sure that when you join us via Zoom, your “display name” is updated (i.e. not whatever default your device might set like “iPhone6” etc.)
- As in our Sanctuary, no photography is allowed.