This Week's Services

Come see us in-person, or enjoy our Shabbat services via livestream, all without registration:

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For more information about the types of services offered on Shabbat mornings, please visit our Shabbat & Holidays page.

Friday, December 20 / 20 Kislev
Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:30pm
Parshat Vayeshev
Service Leader and Drashah: Rabbi Jason Klein
Ba’al Tefillah and Piano: Cantor Sam Rosen

Saturday, December 21 / 20 Kislev
Shabbat Morning Services, 10:00am
Traditional Egalitarian Minyan
Service Leader: Cantor Sam Rosen
D’var Torah: Rabbi Jason Klein
Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen and Larry Kay

Havdalah, 7:30pm
Zoom link here –