Each year, we bring the sweetest traditions of feasting and gathering together with the prayers and songs of this joyous holiday as we tell stories that strengthen our core identities. We find it especially meaningful to experience this journey with our CBST family. This night is different from all other nights, as it should be, and yet it will feel cozy, warm, and familiar.

Our Passover Seder will draw on texts and rituals—old and new—that illuminate the ancient story of rebellion and flight from tyranny. In true CBST fashion, our Seder will connect to ways in which these struggles are relevant today and the spiritual means by which we can continue to move towards a world of freedom and justice. We look forward to raising the four glasses with you!

CBST Second Night Community Passover Seder 5785

Sunday, April 13, 6:00pm in our Wine Family Sanctuary, 130 W 30th Street. Watch CBST’s eNews for the livestream link.

The Seder will be led by Rabbi Jason Klein and Cantor Sam Rosen

For those interested in attending in person, we are offering a fully catered, kosher Seder meal, afikoman and all, for $225/person for members and $325 for non-members.

If you wish to support the accessibility of the seder for other congregants who may need assistance to attend, please consider sponsoring the Seder in addition to your registration.

Through the generosity of CBST congregants we are able to offer a sliding scale ticket price for CBST members. CBST members who wish to register with a sliding scale price, please register here.

Seating is limited to 100 people on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Registration closes April 3

The Seder will also be livestreamed on the CBST website at cbst.org/livestream. Registration is not required to attend the livestream.

First Night Seder

If you are a CBST member seeking to attend a Second Night Seder, or you have seats available at your Seder, either in-person or online, you can email Judy Hollander at sedermatch@cbst.org to inquire and request a connection.
Looking to hold your own First Night Seder? Check out this page for resources!

Selling Your Chametz

Halacha (Jewish law) prohibits eating chametz (leaven) during Pesach. Did you know we are also forbidden to own chametz or even to have it on our premises? Tradition provides a legal procedure: we can sell our chametz and, an hour after the end of the holiday, purchase it back (without actual delivery or pick-up).


This year, Rabbi Werber will serve as your “Chametz Agent,” and will sell our chametz to long-time chametz holder Tasha Calhoun. There is no fee; however, there is a tradition of making a contribution (maot chittim) to help make it possible for others to have a Seder meal. There is no fee, though it is traditional to make a contribution (maot chittim) here by Thursday, April 10.

CBST’s Digital Interactive Memorial 

CBST members can add new memorials for our digital interactive memorial at any time. If you wish to have a loved one’s name included for Yizkor during Passover. The deadline to add a name is Thursday, April 10.