Ukraine Under Attack
Our hearts are with Ukraine today as the country and its people are under attack. Some things you can do right now to help Ukraine and its people:
Call/write to the White House and our elected officials to ask for immediate economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine:
- Contact Your U.S. Senators
- Contact Your U.S. Representatives
- Contact the White House online; call the White House: 202-456-1111
Donate towards humanitarian, medical, and military assistance and find other ways to help via these amazing organizations:
- HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) has worked in Ukraine for decades: learn more about their work and donate to their Ukraine crisis response here.
- The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has been specifically supporting Jewish communities and individuals around the world for over a century. Donate to their emergency fund for Ukraine here.
- Our dedicated partners at RUSA-LGBT, an organization supporting Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ asylum seekers & refugees and the leaders of Brighton Beach Pride, have created this page of resources for where to donate and find local protests. Donations directly to RUSA-LGBT are also important!
Want to donate specifically to Ukrainian LGBTQ+ organizations that are helping the community right now? Here are some suggestions, and you can see the complete list from KyivPride here.
- KyivPride: helping LGBTQI people directly with means for food and relocation, including shelter and transportation in Europe, and a psychological support group for LGBTQ+ Ukrainians. kyivpride.org/en
- Гей-альянс Украина/Gay Alliance Ukraine is running a shelter in Kyiv and needs support for food, supplies, and relocation. upogau.org/donate-us
- 100% Life: supporting Ukrainians living with HIV and AIDS, currently also providing emergency medical supplies and other necessary assistance to those in their networks. Learn more >>
CBST is grateful to Yelena Goltsman, CBST member and RUSA founder, for her expertise and suggestions right now, and for directing us to trusted, effective people doing the most important work right now.