Shabbat Shoftim 2024

“We’re told that Shabbat is sof ma’aseh b’machshava t’chila, the last thing that God made, but the very first that God had in mind,” Rabbi Jason Klein told us in his Drashah this past Shabbat. “Now that’s about creation, but it’s probably also a reminder for how we are to operate in the world, because if Shabbat was the first thing that God had in mind, that means that we weren’t the first thing that God had in mind, that somehow there’s something bigger, right, even than humanity. So lest we think that we’re the pinnacle of creation on that sixth day, there’s something afterward.”

At Kabbalat Shabbat services, Rabbi Klein spoke about redemption and revelation, about prayer and what it can mean, and about the ways that we can explore who we are in relation to divine creation as a way to center ourselves as we prepare for the Yamim Nora’im, the High Holy Days.

Rabbi Jason Klein delivered this drashah at Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, September 13, 2024 / 10 Elul 5784.  

Be in community with CBST at Kabbalat Shabbat services, Fridays at 6:30pm EST, either in person or streaming live.

CBST is an LGBTQ+ synagogue for people of all sexual identities and genders and a joyful, spiritual, proud community. All are welcome.