Shabbat Shoftim 2024

“It’s not about being perfect,” Rabbi Werber told us in her drashah this past Shabbat. “It’s not about never messing up or doing something wrong. We’ve been messing up since the beginning of time. It’s the knowledge that the messing up is part of the story, not something that takes us away from it… It’s about not letting the screw ups take us over and paralyze us in fear. It’s about the trying to get back on course again. That’s what helps turn us into better people.”

This helpful reminder closed a conversation about the biblical parsha, in which God’s instructions to the Israelites about entering the land of milk and honey raises thoughts about obedience, fragility – and “anti-fragility,” and the garden of Eden. Whether we can live up to God’s high expectations or not, we are still moving towards a new start as we approach the High Holy Days. 


Rabbi Yael Werber delivered this drashah at Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, September 20, 2024 / 17 Elul 5784. Watch his full talk at our link in bio. 


Be in community with CBST at Kabbalat Shabbat services, Fridays at 6:30pm EST, either in person or streaming live on CBST’s website at


CBST is an LGBTQ+ synagogue for people of all sexual identities and genders and a joyful, spiritual, proud community. All are welcome 🌈✨