CBST Retreat 2023

This past weekend, CBST’s annual retreat brought together 100 community members for three days of intergenerational prayer, discussion, singing, shmoozing, and joy. Rabbi Kleinbaum led us in creating an on-the-spot Prayer for our Country, Cantor Rosen and Joyce Rosenzweig led an incredible pop-up chorus, and we played a fierce game of kickball (and some of us were the cheering section!).

We visited the goats and hiked in the dark, we climbed a mountain and tried on tefillin for the first time, we made candles and crafts and listened to the birds calling across the pond, and we spent real time listening to each other across the generations to better understand the wisdom and the experiences that each person brings into this holy community.

Many thanks to the retreat planning committee, the staff at Isabella Freedman, the CBST staff, and everyone who taught yoga, chanted Torah, and made this retreat such a beautiful, meaningful time!


Photos by Harold Levine, Gerry Goldhaber, Randi Sarokoff, Miya Rotstein, Allison Drew Klein, David Grotell, Frederic Miggins, Hanna Kessler Karp, Jennifer Kleinbaum, Shelli Aderman, Logann Grace, Steven Frank.

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  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
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