Happy Chanukah from L'Dor Vador!

“On Friday night, L’Dor Vador met for a pre-Chanukah Shabbat shmooze and nosh at Goldie’s. We were excited to be together, reconnect, and welcome new members to both LDVD and CBST.

“Our circle is growing with each event as we meet new friends and connect to our CBST peers in a new and engaging way. Many of those in attendance, who met for the first time, or for the first time in a long time, continued their shmooze with donuts and latkes at the Oneg, after a transformative Chanukah service.” —Bonnie Pollack and Fredric Miggins, Co-Chairs, LDVD

L’Dor Vador (LDVD), a growing community group at CBST, is a bridge between Aleinu and Aging Together. Learn more about LDVD and join our mailing list.

Be with LDVD as we host the 8th and final night of Chanukah Candle Lighting at CBST! Learn more.

  • The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Randi Weingarten
    Fund for Social Justice

  • “Social Justice is rooted in our Jewish texts, history, theology and liturgy. We don’t separate spirituality from social justice.” - Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
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    and poignant moments.