"Holy Place"
In last week’s parashah, T’rumah, we read about the precious jewels, colorful threads and cloths, and other adornments brought by the Israelites to enhance and beautify the Mishkan (tabernacle) in the desert. “Holy Place” (based on Exodus 25:8) is Debbie Friedman’s interpretation of the parashah, connecting this ancient narrative to our experience of building holy spaces today.
Debbie’s setting celebrates the various gifts each individual brings to build a holy community. Through both material and immaterial ways, each person contributes something special that adds richness and vitality to our community. We follow with the words of Oseh Shalom (setting by Jeff Klepper), invoking the hope that we can make the world a more peaceful place.
At CBST, we strive to create a holy space for all those who enter our physical or virtual doors. Please join the CBST community this Friday night, February 11th, for our 49th Anniversary Shabbat service, either in person or online. We are excited to welcome back the beloved CBST Community Chorus, who will once again bring tremendous beauty and spirit to this special service.
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“Holy Place” (Debbie Friedman, arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig); “Oseh Shalom” (setting by Jeff Klepper)
Voice: CBST Cantorial Intern Sam Rosen
Piano: CBST Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig