Expanding Our Clergy Team

It is with the greatest joy that we announce that Cantorial Intern Sam Rosen has accepted our offer of a full-time cantorial position at CBST! Sam will join the CBST clergy team on August 1, 2022, following his ordination from the HUC-JIR Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music in May. 

Sam has been a part of CBST’s fabric for nearly 10 years. Sam and his partner, Jason Morrison, came to CBST as congregants and were energized and moved by the intergenerational community they found.

Sam was a chorus member for several years before deciding to become a cantor. He maintained his connection to CBST while in school and became our cantorial intern for the past two academic years.

We have been fortunate that one of Sam’s most significant mentors in cantorial school has been our extraordinary music director, Joyce Rosenzweig. Sam and Joyce have created a magnificent musical partnership that brings so much beauty and soul and deep Jewish learning to the CBST community every day.

Sam had this to add: “The opportunity to serve CBST as cantor is an incredible honor. I have deep reverence for CBST’s history and I am thrilled to be a part of its future. Thank you for entrusting me with this extraordinary opportunity.” Frankly, we couldn’t agree more!

We are excited to announce this expansion of the CBST clergy team just as we are celebrating our 49th anniversary. We are extremely proud of the fact that Sam comes to this position as a long-time member and active congregant who has chosen to make CBST his first professional home on his journey.

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