"A Second Chance for Accessibility: Pesach Sheni"

Rabbi Mike Moskowitz for Bayit: “Making sure that folks who are genderqueer and use a wheelchair have safe access to bathrooms [for example] is just as sacred as our belief in the holiness of G-d’s creations.”

“A letter ‘vuv’ in action, models a ‘Yes. And…’ mentality,” Rabbi Moskowitz continues. “[We are reminded] to take advantage of the opportunity that G-d gives to plan and re-plan, supporting an awareness that there is always more we can be doing.”

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Rabbi Mike Moskowitz is Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. Learn more about him and his work.

Photo: Aaron Philip, the first Black, trans, and physically disabled model signed to a major modeling agency (Elite); photographed by Bryan Whitley

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