CBST Chesed
Psalm 89 tells us “olam chesed yibaneh” – the world was built with chesed. Chesed is the Hebrew word for “kindness” or “compassion” and is a central Jewish value.
CBST members know what it means to take care of one another. The AIDS and Covid crises taught us the power of standing by each other when we are at our most vulnerable. We’re stronger together than we are alone.
CBST Chesed is members helping members of all ages by acknowledging both the joyous moments in our lives and offering support through the difficult times. Chesed fosters mutually beneficial connections, companionship and support by providing the following services for CBST members as needed:
- Ongoing weekly phone or video calls.
- Regular in-person visits.
- Emails or calls to a congregant who is celebrating a simcha, hospitalized, recovering from illness, in mourning, or at a holiday time.
- Limited tech support for those having difficulty accessing CBST services, online classes or programs.
If you need support and/or if you would like to volunteer with CBST Chesed, please fill out this Chesed questionnaire and a member of our team will get in touch with you. If you have any questions, email Chesed@cbst.org or call Judy Ribnick at 917-310-4656.
Please note that volunteering for or accessing CBST Chesed services is reserved for CBST members. It is not an emergency service. In case of a pastoral emergency such as a death, please call or text 917-513-0413.
Thank you for helping to strengthen our kehila kedosha – our holy community.
Rabbi Jason Klein, Senior Rabbi
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Senior Rabbi Emerita
Ivan Zimmerman, President
Judy Ribnick, Director, Aging Together
Sharon Golub, Chair, CBST Chesed