Bonnie Pollack, Executive Officer
In addition to serving on the Board, Bonnie is the co-chair of L’dor Vador, CBST’s 40s- 50s+ group, as well as a standing member of the Hospitality Team and Ending Mass Incarceration Team. Prior to sitting on CBST’s Board, Bonnie was a Board Member of the Barry and Florence Friedberg Jewish Community Center in Oceanside, NY in the late 1990s-early 2000s, and participated integrally in their capital campaign to raise significant funds to purchase the building that they have since inhabited. She has been a practicing bankruptcy and restructuring attorney for nearly 35 years. She is a Board Member of workOUT, a networking group for LGBTQ professionals in the restructuring field, and Bonnie is a member of the Chapter 11 Lawyers Advisory Committee of the Eastern District of New York since its inception in 2014, chosen to be on the Committee by then-presiding Chief Judge of the Eastern District Bankruptcy Court. Bonnie is also a former Board Member of The Circle of Strength, a local fundraising organization formed by her and others for ovarian cancer research.