Shabbaton in the City
Celebrating 32 Years of Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum at CBST
Friday, April 12 & Saturday, April 13, 2024
From Kabbalat Shabbat through Havdalah, we gather to honor our beloved Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, with teaching from special guest Dr. Dennis Dalton, professor of Political Science at Barnard College from 1969 to 2008.
Prof. Dalton is a distinguished scholar of Mahatma Gandhi, and has authored essential works on the subject, including the acclaimed “Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action.”
CBST is honored to host Dr. Dalton, who played a pivotal role as one of Rabbi Kleinbaum’s most influential mentors and teachers.
This weekend is open to everyone, please come join us in celebrating Rabbi Kleinbaum’s incredible tenure in our community. We will have teachings, learning sessions, and ways to connect through the weekend, please see the schedule below for more details.
This Shabbaton promises to be a mosaic of prayer, learning, music, and joy!
A Weekend of Prayer, Learning, Music & Joy
Friday, April 12, 2024
5:00pm Festive Shabbat Dinner (Registration is now closed)
6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 130 W. 30th St. (In-Person and Livestreamed)
Guest Speaker: Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Dennis Dalton, speaking on “Realism and Idealism.”
Saturday, April 13, 2024
10:00am Shabbat Morning Services (In-Person and Via Zoom)
Guest Speaker: Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Dennis Dalton speaking on “Gandhi’s Relevance.”
12:30pm Festive Kiddush Lunch
1:30–2:30pm Session 1: Q & A/Discussion Session with Dr. Dennis Dalton, moderated by Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum (In-Person and Via Zoom)
3:00–4:00pm Session 2: CBST Clergy Teaching (In-Person and Via Zoom)
4:15pm Informal Conversation with Dr. Dennis Dalton in Reich Marran; Yoga in Chapel; Board Games in Wolfson; Walks in Neighborhood (In-Person)
5:30–6:00pm Seudah Shlishit Dinner & Drinks (Registration is now closed)
6:00–6:45pm Shabbat Sing-Along (In-Person and Via Zoom)
7:00pm End-of-Day Reflections with Dr. Dennis Dalton and Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum (In-Person and Via Zoom)
7:45pm Havdalah (In-Person and Via Zoom)
Dr. Dennis Dalton
Dennis Dalton, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, earned his M.A. (University of Chicago,1962) and Ph.D.(Univ. of London, 1965), in Political Theory, and then served on the faculty in London and at Barnard College (1965-2009). He was fortunate to have Sharon Kleinbaum in his political theory classes and supervised her distinguished Senior Essay. They participated together in civil disobedience campaigns during the 1970’s. Whatever claims Dalton has to political activism are due to Rabbi Kleinbaum’s inspiration. His publications have focused on the theory and practice of Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership of the Indian independence movement: Mahatma Gandhi. Nonviolent Power in Action (Columbia Univ. Press, 2012), and Indian Ideas of Freedom (HarperCollins, 2023).
Photo of Rabbi Kleinbaum by Harold Levine