CBST at Jerusalem Pride 2023
The 21st Jerusalem Pride March on Thursday was unlike any other. After months of rising threats against every minority or marginalized population—women, Palestinians (both in the West Bank and Gaza and those who are Israeli citizens), progressive Jewish communities, and of course the LGBTQ+ community—it was hard to know what might happen today.
A counter-protest was organized, those opposed to any rights or dignity for LGBTQ+ people, yelling about bestiality and sin, gathering just outside the park where Pride marchers gathered, but thankfully they passed quickly and weren’t able to cause harm to marchers.
But some of these people now serve in the highest levels of government and continue to cause serious fear.
Our CBST cohort showing up in solidarity was received with gratitude and deep appreciation. Several people came to tell us that they watch CBST’s Shabbat services online, or that when they visited New York and came for services it was one of the most important experiences of their life.
Rabbi Mike Moskowitz delivered a speech at Jerusalem Pride that received cheer after cheer from the audience. “To trans and genderqueer youth,” Rabbi Moskowitz said. “You are a blessing to the world. Hashem loves you. You are holy. Thank you for being.” Watch the full speech above.
Connecting with our CBST friends and family in Israel was wonderful! We especially loved seeing Rabbis Mikie Goldstein and Noa Sattath, and Shari and Debbie who came from Tel Aviv.
In the face of incitement and threats of violence, thousands more marchers than expected made Jerusalem Pride swell with joy and solidarity beyond anyone’s expectations.
If you can, make a donation to the Open House to help them keep the whole community safe and supported!
Chag haGa’avah Sameach—Happy Pride!!